Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Michael Coren

Many of you know of the great speaker, Michael Coren who has his own talk show and speaks on the radio. . . I came across an interesting article that he wrote . . . he is talking about his reaction to the movie Passion of the Christ:

"As I watched the video again another reality embraced me, like the arms of a loving mother around an eager if sometimes foolish child. It was that Mary is not merely a background figure in a magnificent drama but is the divine conduit for salvation. In other words, she is sublime and perfect and with us forever. The mother of us all.Through her eyes I saw the life and death of Jesus once again, with all of the human as well as Godly suffering that it entails. I use the present tense, because although Christ died for us so long ago, He still lives. His sacrifice exists in the present and can be witnessed every day by us all. Yes, even by me.Mary weeps for her son. Her tears and His blood mingle to soak the world in hope and love. Within their grandeur all despair is smothered and all sin cleansed. Yes, I see it now. I see it so clearly. Perhaps one day I’ll meet Mel Gibson and be able to thank him for what he has done and tell him how his screen meditation helped to change me. Also apologise to him, for not understanding what he was saying. "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. But only say the word and I shall be healed."

This is MICHAEL COREN talking! He never used to be Catholic, but the video apparently 'changed him'. . . I haven't seen the video myself, but I don't think I want to. . . like Pastor John said, if I watched the video, I would be afraid that every time I read about the crucification or heard a sermon on it, etc. I would picture the video and all of its physical elements. . . it is true that the physical suffering of Christ was only a very small portion of the suffering that Christ endured. His Spiritual suffering was much more intense! Can you imagine being seperated from God? Can you imagine crying out in agony 'My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?!' Christ suffered the agonies of hell just to save us. . . sinners. Wow, what a sobering thought!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Kara, i'm so glad you found this. i was going to look for something on it but now i dont have to :) its so awful how such a public figure for Christ could turn against the specific teachings of the Bible. doesn't he understand that Mary was a sinful human just like the rest of us? a sinner cannot give birth to a perfect being!

see u tomorrow!

November 08, 2006 2:27 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is sad! I went to the michael coren website because I didn't beleive they were his words. when the movie first came out he blasted it, and now apparently he's recanting his words and apologizing for his earlier articles.

November 10, 2006 9:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw Kara, you can come hang out here anyday inbetween work.

November 10, 2006 9:54 p.m.  
Blogger Mel said...

Yikes. I like that guy! No good!
By the way, I put you as a link on my blog.

November 13, 2006 10:44 p.m.  

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